Fly Angels, Fly

There is something familiar about the unknown.

Once upon a time, I was an Army brat. That is just a short way of saying both of why parents US Army members. So my childhood was filled with military bases, uniforms and events common to those who have lived that life. I am quite familiar with seeing an airshow or military demonstration up close.

Flash forward twenty-some-odd years later and I found myself with an opportunity that brought me back to my childhood familiarity while also feeling quite foreign — the opportunity to meet the illustrious Navy’s Blue Angels squadron.

Last weekend, I was able to see one of the most elite groups of airmen prepare to wow a crowd of spectators in Peachtree City, Georgia. The assignment of documenting a catering event for the  Blue Angels squadron gave me my second chance to meet with them. The food was catered by the one and only Rasheed Philips. Our setup was right next to a Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet jet making quite a different view than I have been used to at other events.

Even though I am familiar with the military lifestyle, I’ve never had a chance to see behind-the-scenes of these types of shows prior to this year. Seeing the preparation up close was a new experience. As a child, I always remembered how large and fit servicemen and women looked. Surprisingly, this has not changed, even as an adult.

Most of the pilots were at least 6 foot 2 inches and could probably rival professional athletes in how pristine their fitness is. And once they took the jets into the air, it becomes very easy to see why they need to be. The condition of the airmen is top-notch due to both how active they are and the strenuous nature of flying one of these aircraft.

Witnessing their pristine movement during their flight routines is second to none. From the tight-nit formations of the jets flying through the air to them flying directly towards one another with just mere feet between them, it is easy to see just how much preparation goes into pulling off these air shows. Add in the fact that these jets can travel well over 1000 miles per hour with more than 6 G’s of gravitational force, it becomes very obvious why these pilots are so pristinely conditioned.

Even more impressive is how nice and even-keeled these pilots are. Each one I met was always extremely nice and offered kind words prior to taking flight. Every once in s while, I was greeted by the amazing pilots who, to my shock, remembered me from the previous visit to their show in Vidalia, Georgia. The experience of seeing the show was out of this world but meeting the people who make it all happen was even better.


Holy Smokes Festival | 2022 Edition


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